Seasonal Availability

  • Aspari Asparagus is available from September to March, with most Aspari Asparagus produced during spring between September and November.
  • When Aspari Asparagus is out of season, or when supplies are limited such as at the beginning and end of the season, Aspari Asparagus is imported to supplement local supplies and satisfy consumer demand.
  • A smaller supply of Aspari Asparagus is also available during the summer months when a number of growers cultivate summer asparagus by setting aside fields of new asparagus ferns ready for ‘summer cut’.

Selecting Asparagus

  • Look for firm, bright smooth spears of uniform size with closed, compact tips.
  • When you snap freshly harvested Aspari Asparagus, it should be crisp, moist and juicy.


Storing Asparagus

  • Freshly harvested Aspari Asparagus is very similar to cut flowers. It needs to be kept in cool, humid conditions.
  • Another way is to stand the fresh spears upright in a container filled with 1cm of cold water, which you then cover and store in the refrigerator.
  • One way to keep Aspari Asparagus fresher for longer is to wrap it in a damp tea towel, pop it in a plastic bag and store it in the crisper compartment of your refrigerator. 

Preparing Asparagus

  • Simply snap off any woody ends with your forefinger and thumb. Alternatively, run a knife along the stalk until it meets less resistance, and then cut the end off at this point.
  • Aspari Asparagus can be served both raw and cooked - try it fresh in salads and salsas as well as in an endless variety of cooked dishes.